Recycle your old, broken and obsolete electronics the right way, the green way, at our electronics recycling event.

  • When: Saturday, May 3, from 8:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m. (sharp)
  • Where: Arnold Rec Center (1695 Missouri State Road, Arnold, MO 63010)

Most items are free to recycle, but some have a charge (see a list of fees and unacceptable items below).

When visiting us at the Arnold Rec Center, please follow traffic signs and the direction of Arsenal volunteers and Midwest Recycling Center (MRC) employees. We ask that you please stay in your vehicle while MRC employees unload your recyclables for you.

More about electronics recycling near me

We’re once again partnering with MRC for electronics recycling pickup. This company is registered with the EPA and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and holds R2/RIOS Certification through its Park Hills facility.

The proper destruction of hard drives and the information contained on them is an essential service that MRC offers. Rest assured that when you bring a computer, phone or other device with sensitive information on it, MRC will wipe it clean so no one is able to view or use it. 

Learn more about MRC

How much does it cost to recycle my electronics?

Most items that plug into the wall or run on batteries are free to recycle.

MRC does charge for certain items. To see a full list of what’s free and what’s not, please visit the MRC website.

All fees are subject to change. MRC only accepts cash or check for payment.

MRC will not be able to accept the following:

VHS tapes, data tapes, floppy disksCapacitors or ballasts that are not clearly marked as saying “NO PCBs”
Thermostats and smoke detectorsTransformers in steel containers unless they’re marked “NO PCBs”
Light bulbsMedical waste of any kind
Gas containers such as Freon, oxygen and nitrous oxideAnything leaking oil or acid
Broken ink or toner cartridges that are leaking powder or liquidAlkaline batteries
Exit signsBroken CRTs, TVs and monitors

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