Making sure your finances are organized isn’t that difficult. In fact, you can get your money matters more organized using your smartphone on the comfort of your couch. Learn how to organize your finances a little more using tools available to you in online + mobile banking.
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Update a new debit or credit card everywhere
Getting a new debit or credit card in the mail (or getting one at a branch if you lost yours) is usually a hassle. But it’s necessary for keeping your accounts safe. One of the most annoying parts about getting a new card is updating all of your automatic payments and subscription services.
What if there was a place where you could take care of updating your card information everywhere at once? If you have an online + mobile banking account, you have access to the Card Updater tool that lets you update information across the most popular retail and subscription sites. To access this tool, just login to your account and follow these steps:
- Online banking: Main navigation > Tools > Card Updater Tool
- Mobile banking: More > Tools > Card Updater Tool
Learn how to organize your finances by setting up bill pay
Are you tired of fumbling with multiple paper bills and online usernames/passwords each month? Looking for a way to make paying your utilities, rent, credit cards, etc. easier?
You can set up automatic bill pay in online + mobile banking to save time and make sure your essentials get paid on time each month. Not only is it more convenient, it’s also safer by eliminating paper bills that come through the mail and reducing the number of sites you need to login to.
Learn more about automatic bill pay
Check your credit score, often
What’s your credit score? How do you find it? Many people use third-party apps that require separate logins to access their credit score. Did you know you can monitor your score directly in online + mobile banking?
Your score is updated daily, so you can see how your recent actions (such as paying down debt and opening new lines of credit) affects you. You can also receive in-depth analysis about your score, tips on how to improve it and customized offers directly within online + mobile banking.
Take control of your credit journey
Did you know that you can get your full, detailed credit report for free? Receive a credit report once a year from each of the three major credit reporting bureaus at
Set up automatic savings goals
Need to save up for a down payment on a house or car? Just looking to add a little more to your overall savings? You have access to tools that can help you.
In online + mobile banking, you can create custom savings goals that will tell you when you’ll hit your milestone. Have a bit of your paycheck automatically deposited into savings each week to hit your goal faster.
Need to start saving now? The Spend to Save program automatically rounds up to the nearest dollar for every transaction you make using your Arsenal debit card. This “spare change” is deposited into your savings account. You’ll see your savings grow in no time.
Control access to your debit and credit cards
Your debit and credit cards are keys to accessing your money. Make sure you have complete control over them by taking advantage of the Card Management tool available in online + mobile banking.
If you ever lose your card, you can login to your account and switch it on/off, preventing any unauthorized spending. Plus, you can set up alerts for suspicious transactions and controls that limit where and when your card can be used.
Learn more about Card Management
How to pay with a phone or smartwatch
A lot of people never even carry wallets around with them. They add their cards to their digital wallets for seamless, convenient mobile payments. You can easily add your Arsenal debit and credit cards to your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet and stop carrying your debit card, too.