Soar into savings

Start good savings habits early. New members can earn $50 and a stuffed Tracker toy when they open a Tracker Kids Club savings account with $25.

Accounts must be opened in a branch or by Live Video Banking. Must mention this offer when opening an account. Stop in and see us or contact us through live chat in the bottom-right corner of the screen. View official promotion rules.

Who can open a Tracker Kids Club account?

Kids ages 12 and under are eligible to open a Tracker Kids Club savings account. A parent or grandparent must open the account with them, in person, at one of our branches.

Why start saving early?

We all know that saving money is good. Saving money when you're young is even better.

Learn the real value of a dollar

Where does money come from? When kids have their own account, they’ll take their own money more seriously.

Plan for bigger purchases

Kids will feel more satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment when they pay for big purchases with their own money.

Become self-reliant

Saving takes time and hard work. Setting those habits early means kids will rely less on credit when they’re older.

Always find a way to make saving money fun

Not only will your kid learn the value of saving money, they'll get a world of perks and prizes. They may even ask you to start taking them to the credit union more often.

Earn prizes

Earn stamps for every $10.00 deposited and redeem for cool prizes.

Birthday cards

Get a birthday card in the mail with a double-points offer.

Monthly drawings

Make a deposit of $10.00 and get entered in a drawing for $10.00 that month.

Cash for good grades

Earn up to $10.00 for your report card at the end of the school year.

Special events

Check your email for invitations to special Tracker Kids Club events.

Resources for parents with older kids

Money management tips for young adults

What financial tools and knowledge should your kid be equipped with when they turn 18 years old?

View money tips

Should I cosign a loan for my adult kid?

So you want to help your kid out, but should you cosign the loan? Learn more about the process and other borrowing options.

Learn more

Arsenal scholarship program

Each year, Arsenal awards scholarship money to high school seniors. Opening a Tracker account now ensures your kid is eligible to apply.

Meet the scholarship winners

Open a kids savings account in person


(Arsenal Headquarters)

3780 Vogel Road,
Arnold, MO 63010

Phone: 314.962.6363
Fax: 314.501.2460

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Webster Groves

8651 Watson Road
St. Louis, MO 63119

Phone: 314.962.6363
Fax: 314.501.2460

Schedule a visit Branch info

14305 New Halls Ferry Road
Florissant, MO 63033

Phone: 314.962.6363
Fax: 314.501.2460

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4384 North Illinois Street,
Swansea, IL 62226

Phone: 618.239.6363
Fax: 314.501.2460

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Tracker Kids Club Promo

Receive $50 deposited into an account and one stuffed Tracker toy when you open a Tracker Kids Club savings account with a minimum deposit of $25 at Arsenal Credit Union. Must mention this offer at account opening. Not valid for current members. Offer applies to those age 12 and under only. Requires an adult to be on the account and present at account opening. Offer valid until 12.31.2025. Incentive will be paid within 30 days of account opening if account is in good standing. Any bonuses earned will be reported to the IRS for tax purposes.